James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

Status of Contents Memespace Will Be Shifted Fully to #Kramobone-The.Bad
1 message

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 8:01 PM
To: "Human First Male Second Deputy Sherrif 3rd Terry @Gruwup Klinkhart" <tklinkhart@sbcsd.org>


nyansapo-wisdom-knot_designInline image 6

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Dear Deputy,

I hope you have had a chance to read your emails in full directed to you by me, a trust building network. 

You have not responded to any email and therefore I am lost to why I should keep you filed here:


Index of /#Kramobone-The.Good/#Tracy.Klinkhart-DepSheriff-SanBernardinoCounty

Icon Name                                                                          Last modified      Size  Description
[DIR] Parent Directory - [DIR] #EMail/ 11-Dec-2017 09:46 - [DIR] $Email/ 09-Nov-2017 19:04 - [DIR] CallRecordings/ 22-Nov-2017 21:03 - [IMG] Business Card [ #Kramobone-Trust Binding ].jpg 19-Nov-2017 12:49 157K [IMG] Business Card [ Squared to A Possible Use as An Avatar - Gravatar Image ].jpg 04-Nov-2017 18:08 140K [   ] Klinkhart trust bind.zip 19-Nov-2017 18:15 6.3M

By Default, you were placed to #Kramobone.The.Good.  By Default,
I cannot allow two out of integrity events on your part to go unnoticed.
In the call Recording,

Index of /#Kramobone-The.Good/#Tracy.Klinkhart-DepSheriff-SanBernardinoCounty/CallRecordings

Icon Name Last modified Size Description
[DIR] Parent Directory - [SND] 9093873010_2017-11-22_16-44-38.mp3 22-Nov-2017 21:03 1.3M

It is obvious that I am leaving a voice mail into your work related phone number that is listed onto your business card. 

It is obvious also that that message was SAVED.

You have til the end of the year to respond.  I would like you to really review the materials that are posted at

http://beyondintractability.org and see if we can merge - or emerge -- some of these documents into a directive position. 

I have a court date in view of Dr. Berger I do believe.   I will go forward and I am going to be describing our interface to the fullest detail record Deputy. 

I would like your support to these community peace building emails that I have directed to you.

Calling one evil is not a good thing and is not what the words of Pope Francis calls for us to do.  And I did that against Dr. Berger.

Labeling our roles in events is part of the ideals I have

Calling one on the scale of #Kramobone-The.Good / #Kramobone-The.Bad [ or One.Bad ] is Trust evaluation is not against the rules of concepts and wisdom of the Adinkra System of Wisdom that I am bringing forward in recombinant memetics. 

Google Search : What is recombinant memetics?

Similar to recombinant DNA (in which different genetic sequences are brought together to create something new), recombinant memetics is the study of how memes (ideas that spread from person to person) can be adjusted and merged with other memes and memeplexes (a cohesive collection of memes, like a religion) for ...Feb 27, 2013

11 Emerging Scientific Fields That Everyone Should Know About - io9


7. Recombinant Memetics

This one's quite speculative, and it's technically speaking still in the proto-science phase.

But it'll only be a matter of time before scientists get a better handle on the human noosphere

(the collective body of all human information) and how the proliferation of information within it impacts

upon virtually all aspects of human life.

Similar to recombinant DNA (in which different genetic sequences are brought together to create

something new), recombinant memetics is the study of how memes (ideas that spread from person to

person) can be adjusted and merged with other memes and memeplexes (a cohesive collection of

memes, like a religion) for beneficial or ‘socially therapeutic' purposes (such as combating the spread

of radical and violent ideologies). This is similar to the idea of 'memetic engineering' —

which philosopher Daniel Dennett suggested could be used to maintain cultural health.

Or what DARPA is currently doing via their ‘narrative control' program.

To recombine our society taking all of the goods and rejecting and releasing all of the bads is what i am attempting to place into a exchangeable currency.   Ignorance of the current direction of all things in our society cannot be just left to non-discourse.

On the http://Wikiworld.com site [ where some of my original works writing is placed, the is called a currency called Wikismiles proposed the web technology admin Jim WhiteScarver. 

To understand me fully would be to implement a more open view of unity in the FREETRUST.ORG pilot proposed project that is happening as we speak.

Will the next incarnation of the net, the internet, and society be so techno-realism close to each other there is no different between technology and reality? 

I think we already have that definition defined

The technology to which is underlying my idea does not require any data process to achieve noticed change.   It does not require an unit of measure or bargaining currency to known where the morality of these issues are so needed addressed.  But no one is willing to talk because we can't trust each other to see a better tomorrow when we are stuck at simple definitions of our relations.  All of our relations.   It is hard for some older generations to scope and view every relationship of any kind you have bonded onto [ emotionally ] that requires unbinding and resolution not quick cut and run methods of past time old thinking perspectives.

Civil Society must be opened and carved into view a different set of information social tools.  I don't care that my first ideals are not popular at first glance. 

Mark My Words, as the chaos of The Quickening proceeds forward and there is no other choices but people behaving irrationally to any immediate danger circumstances.   What I mean by this is frank and simple.

There are some word definitions that I would like for you to resource into your view.   No one single human being should be placed to credit the history of these facts..... for I am not trying to become famous.

Inalienable Rights is morally just., To hold person-hood sovereignty although may not be defined by our founding fathers is an inalienable right I believe and many direct their ideals in this direction, such as I do.

When people who are in a not-so-great condition of their life and in their mind's eye view of their circumstances start to invest in what imminent danger is as a creation model on that methodology first are confusing these three words:

intimate   Intimidate   imminent

Imminent Danger Law and Legal Definition

Imminent danger is an immediate threat of harm, which varies depending on the context in which it is used. For example, one state statute defines imminent danger in relation to mines as "the existence of any condition or practice in a mine which could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm to any worker if mine operations were to proceed in the affected area or if workers were to enter the affected area before the condition or practice was eliminated."

Some laws allow use of deadly force when imminent danger is present. Typical considerations to find imminent danger include the attacker’s apparent intent to cause great bodily injury or death, the device used by the attacker to cause great bodily injury or death, and the attacker’s opportunity and ability to use the means to cause great bodily injury of death.


If one changes the definition from interpersonal intimate relations to just interpersonal relations without the intimacy, this is against the grain of the common good of our basic human needs.  All interpersonal relations have some need of intimacy to bear forward purposes. 

As our society finds ways of projecting false truths -- especially fear based memes -- into a systemic formation of their realities onto the subordinated lives of others within their sphere of interpersonal relations..... this is wrong.

Sexuality being one of the methods to which this is done in our human collectives..... it is wrong to allow the haters to win and the lovers to lose. 

How many new celebrity figures such a under the systemic organization of Fox News, such as Bill O'reliy or Entertainment industry such as Harvey Weinstein or individual actors being placed to these same equations of quickening truths.   Dustin Hoffman of all people.  NBC Today had the down falling grace of Matt Lauer

... Matt Lauer scandal: Lawyer for accuser blasts NBC, ex-intern describes predatory affair

Matt Lauer scandal: Lawyer for accuser blasts NBC, ex-intern describes predatory affair

USA Today5 days ago

Matt Lauer is gone from Today under a cloud of sexual misconduct allegations, but he's still being attacked for philandering, as new accusers continue...forward. "She showed her face, ..  

Would it not be a better practical solution to individually confront the truths such as these are with a different method that the he said meme / she said meme accusation memeplex model. 

No matter what side of these issues you are on.....  collective prevaricating groups protecting the leaders at the top from exposure of some really dark deeds that need to be uprooted.  

We have allowed hate to win over common resource.

And if we don't get grip of the tools of creation --- a morality currency as I am introducing here...

and start to call out bad for the bad it is --- and start reducing the power leads these people have onto our collective trust..... as more and more idolized persons get caught in the ever so ever downfall of the quickening....

All FAITH IN OUR COLLECTIVE COMMUNITY TRUST that anyone is really excellence when excellence is not so great. 

Where do we find excellence again?   Not in the current model that is for sure. 

Can we have a discussion of these topics?   Prior to my court date?

Inline image 1

I really have an explanation fully formed of wisdom why I am pressing forward with a court authority magistrate. 

Now if the court itself does not listen --- we have problem in our courts.

If I am able to get a overview of common rational thinking when irrationally we can't even begin to recognize each other's resources of greatness.

Because we are stuck in outdated diversification thinking.

[ ... ] , [ ... ] , [ ... ] 

From his private meeting with President Obama to giving the first-ever papal address before a joint session of Congress, Pope Francis did not shy away from politics during his three-day stop in Washington, D.C. (Julie Percha/The Washington Post)

An excerpt from his public address broadcast worldwide live to which this author here was watching and listening to him intently . He said to the world to what I agree has been a part of my missing portion of my mission work ideal -   I have no fix for this and I cannot totally be in this community work alone. This is what he told or asked or advised us to do:

[ ... ] , [ ... ] , [ ... ] 

------ All of us are quite aware of, and deeply worried by, the disturbing social and political situation of the world today. Our world is increasingly a place of violent conflict, hatred and brutal atrocities, committed even in the name of God and of religion. We know that no religion is immune from forms of individual delusion or ideological extremism. This means that we must be especially attentive to every type of fundamentalism, whether religious or of any other kind. A delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms. But there is another temptation which we must especially guard against: the simplistic reductionism which sees only good or evil; or, if you will, the righteous and sinners. The contemporary world, with its open wounds which affect so many of our brothers and sisters, demands that we confront every form of polarization which would divide it into these two camps. We know that in the attempt to be freed of the enemy without, we can be tempted to feed the enemy within. To imitate the hatred and violence of tyrants and murderers is the best way to take their place. That is something which you, as a people, reject. Our response must instead be one of hope and healing, of peace and justice. We are asked to summon the courage and the intelligence to resolve today’s many geopolitical and economic crises. Even in the developed world, the effects of unjust structures and actions are all too apparent. Our efforts must aim at restoring hope, righting wrongs, maintaining commitments, and thus promoting the well-being of individuals and of peoples. We must move forward together, as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good. The challenges facing us today call for a renewal of that spirit of cooperation, which has accomplished so much good throughout the history of the United States. The complexity, the gravity and the urgency of these challenges demand that we pool our resources and talents, and resolve to support one another, with respect for our differences and our convictions of conscience.



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[ Ok Google ➡️>] The Status of PeaceBuilding Only Offered Outside Of Basic Survival [⬅️ Written Text]
Apparently -- With Words of Pope Francis call to the United States Nation
in his Address to Congress In September of 2015

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: The Status Of Peacebuilding AudioMp3

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[DIR] #Only-Rational-Thinking/                       05-Nov-2017 00:09    -  


Deputy Klinthart, I have many of these basic human needs deficient in this 
intractable conflict paradigm of not bringing unity resources together that
I call for. [  ] To Be Understood, [  ] Justice [  ] Consistency of Relationships
being the top most needs between you and I here and the court itself. 

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