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Monica Anne Flynn, NP


James M Driskill


10/23/2016  9:45 PM MDT

I bid you farewell and great sucess --- really I do.

The aftermath of documented oblivion to this causality remains filed against the other paripatipants your meme presences may have contaiminated to a bearing truth.

This not resolved remains out of bound of the moral lines that you first established.

For on Youtube I have made a statement to the now obvious unweaving elements that actually exposes the truth to this conspiracy as an internal to my building source -- 1005 Washington Denver.
As an USA Citizen, ability to live truly free pursuits of happiness elusive - exposed conspiracy

I really hope your not in any conflict of interest involement. Is that is the true reasons for your leaving?

in our first meeting, I discussed the community space here:
it's moral existance needs -- I have nothing further to reveal to you but peaceful ways.