I can indeed do that for you --- respectfully -- and what said to me about following
up on voice to matters in your life need this difference -- I get it dude.
That will be the methods to which your informed involvement will carry forward.
It would be a real nice thing for you to do sometime when you have some kind of
affairs in life -- perhaps a house party of guests with no agendas but to the truth.
Taking on a conspiracy is no easy endevour for sure. It is that mix of
complexity that technology can indeed uproot -- that for humans personal
life involvements to random strangeness -- gets lost to our human mind
to mind conscience. .Denial of this fact and the breakage of relations
is not the true working solution --that here once more all we do is attempt
greatness for us in success is really selfishly imposed onto our lives if we
do not understand the principle -- WE ARE ALL ONE. For the honor of you,
I know you know this and it not a question -- but revealed here -- I don't
need to tell you this --- but this is for the reflections onto the CCs: here
Just go into the world --- put this on if you see it relevant to any
forum holding it a cited real time world example -- as representation
of the this truth.
To the victor -- technology enabled "absolute moral truth" can now actually
be a model of trueisms.
That a model of examples never been truely capable until this day.
For which the victor in this conflict is the person who holds the truth.
This no matter what they consider are their privileges are.
In this case, the victor -- current victim -- would be me.
This YouTube PlayList Presentation To The World:
For you and I know each other honorably -- and such is that.
You know this is my most honorable best work attempt - first revision case
to be set to all worlds of worlds peace building --- public correction.
Please to the record -- this does say 105 views -- this playlist.
It's getting watched. I make a statement right here and now
this date passing the 16th of November 2016 of guaranteed best scientific
model of mememtically active principles to know what is a viral
catch to hold onto -- By the time this case gets to their thinking
the court is where they will be victors -- this playlist will have already
gone VIRAL into the public memespace of public noosphere of truth
over deception.
WTF! - it will be then a $5 Mission [ and that is cheap ] case against them.
I don't need a high earned calculated total of likes and/or subscribers
to this to know -- its been set into motion -- CAUGHT and will not be
lost - keep your eye on the watch count -- up up up up up up it goes
where it goes to stop no body knows -- the answer is never.